>> when al-Hasan al-Bashri explained about the cause of the misguided of a group said he
إنما أهلكتهم العجمة"”
means: "The one who harms them is al 'ujmah (don't understand Arabic)"
>> said Imam Ash-Shafi'i as in the book Shoun Al-Manthiq page 15
" ما جهل الناس و لا اختلفوا إلا لتركهم لسان العرب وميلهم إلى لسان ارسطاطاليس"
Meaning: It is not humans to be stupid and they do not disagree except because they leave the Arabic language and their leaning towards the Aristotle language (one of the Greek figures)
>> said Imam Abdul Aziz Al Kinani when explaining the cause of the error of the person he debated in In front of Makmun as in the book of Al-Haydah:
وإنما ذخله الحهل ومن قل بقوله يا أمير المؤمنين ألنهم ليسوا من العرب وال علم لهم
بلغة ”
العرب ومعاني كالهها فأولوا القرآن عن لغة العجم التي لا تفقه ما تقول"
Meaning: "For stupidity attacked him and those who agree with him because they are not Arabs and also they do not have Arabic knowledge, nor do they understand the meaning of their words, with that they interpret the Quran according to the ajam (non-arab) language which you will not understand what he talked about it"
>> said Ibn Jinni in the book Al-Khoshoish 245/1
وذلك أن أكثر من ضل في أهل الشريعة عن القصد فيها وحاد عن الطريقة المثلى إليها فإنما ”
استهواه واستخف حلمه ضعفه في هذه اللغة الكريمة الشريفة الني خوطب الكافة بها"
means: "The factor of most people who are misguided from al-Qoshd (istiqomah) and deviates from the perfect path because their minds are captivated and defeated by their weaknesses in The majesty and honour Arabic language , where everyone is invited to talk to (Arabic)"
>> said Imam Ash-Syahtursi in the book of Tanbiih al-Albaab page 64:
"وأكثر الخالفيات في األديان إنما منشؤها من تفاوت الدرجات في علم اللسان"
Meaning: "Most disputes in religions are caused by differences in the level of linguistic knowledge."