Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023

The principle of khawarij

The principle of khawarij that is often repeated by our ulama is : make takfir to perpetrators of major sins other than shirk, to rebel against Muslim leaders, and to make the blood of Muslim halal. Please review Ash-Syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan's explanations in his books, especially Durus fi Syarh Nawaqidh al-Islam.

As for criticizing leaders openly, then this comes out of the law of origin, that is, not in front of the public. Ulama such as Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-'Utsaimin gave details in the liqo' Maftuh answer questions with him, that if there is benefit in showing open denial of the ruler's policies then there is nothing wrong with openly denying the ruler's policies, namely the loss of evil and being replaced with goodness.

Details like this must be understood so that every scholar who denies the rulers in front of the audience does not arbitrarily sentence khawarij without inviting rebellion and is completely far from the 3 principles of khawarij above and is not provoking the ummah to rebel, then do the details!

Because such a haphazard verdict would have consequences for accusing many ulama, from An-Nawawi who slammed the door loudly in front of the leader, Ahmad bin Hambal who firmly voiced the evils of the leader's Aqidah, to shahabah 'Ubadah bin Shamit who openly denied a policy of Mu'awiyah , Ibn Mu'thy and Ahlul Madinah in the past etc.

Accusing other people of the khawarij in this case requires strong knowledge, not just reading the ushulus Sunnah and then going around accusing the khawarij. The Khawarij are the dogs of hell who were fought until their disbelief was disputed by ulama. As for the atsar that we find about people who insult the Amir, they are indeed originally from the khawarij who are based on the 3 principles of khawarij above.

Don't let the accusation be wrong, it turns out that the slander of Khawarij will later turn against the accuser in a situation where the accuser accuses of being reckless and unrepentant and withdraws his accusation, while Allah protects the accused from slandering of khawarij.

[Quoted from Al-Ustadz Al-Fadhil Abu Hanifah Jandriadi Yasin حفظه الله , translated by : Abu Maryam , source : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=665434810577167&id=100013319622062&mibextid=Nif5oz ]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Fitnah sudah lama membuat menderita muslimin diantaranya yang sangat ganas adalah seluruh madrosah jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali dan seluruh pendidikan jahiliyah walaupun diberi embel-embel "sekolah umum,sekolah formal,Taman Kanak-kanak (TK),Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP),Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Universitas, Sekolah Rakyat (SR),Taman Siswa,Taman Siswi,dan lain-lain" tanpa terkecuali sudahkah kalian benar-benar berusaha mati-matian atau bisa dibilang berusaha maksimal ber amar makruf nahi mungkar ber dawkah terkait madrosah jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali pendidikan jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali walaupun diberi embel-embel "sekolah umum,sekolah formal,taman kanak-kanak (TK),Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP),Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Universitas, Sekolah Rakyat (SR),Taman Siswa,Taman Siswi,dan lain-lain" ?Kalau kalian tidak menjalankan amar makruf nahi mungkar dakwah terhadap madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah lalu kenapa?Kalian meremehkan keburukan ini?Kalian cinta sama madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah yang di murkai dan dibenci oleh ALLAH hanya karena kalian belajar ilmu yang menentang Islam di sana?Kalian takut sama penguasa tapi tidak takut kepada ALLAH saja?Kalian takut sama orang tua kalian tapi tidak takut kepada ALLAH saja?Kalian takut sama makhluk yang pasti diciptakan oleh ALLAH tapi tidak takut sama ALLAH saja?Kalian berada di atas jalannya ulama su'u termasuk ulama su'u ummah dan ulama su'u daulah ?Takutlah kepada ALLAH saja dan ber amar makruf nahi mungkar lah dengan ilmu dan ber dakwah lah dengan ilmu Islam terhadap madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah pastinya dengan tidak meninggalkan Jihad Fisabilillah Ber takwa dan ber tawakal lah kepada ALLAH saja dan kufuri lah thoghut dan beriman lah kepada ALLAHالله المستعان والله أعلم 18 Romadhon 1445 Hijriyahhttps://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4914===بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تقييم الشيخ المحدث مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله للمدارس الجاهلية والتعليم الجاهليةPenilaian Asy-Syaikh Al-Muhaddits Abu Abdurrohman Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i رحمه الله terhadap madrasah (sekolah) jahiliyah sekaligus pendidikan jahiliyah 🔻🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻🔻https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4544https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4545https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4546https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4547===بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمPerkataan dari Asy-Syaikh Abu Abdurrohman Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i رحمه الله dan Ustadz Abul Mundzir Jafar Shalih وفقه الله dan Ustadz Aunur Rofiq bin Ghufron وفقه الله dan Ustadz Yulian Purnama وفقه الله dan Ustadz Hafzan El Hadi وفقه الله ini juga membahas beberapa مدرسة (sekolah) jahiliyah pendidikan jahiliyah dan lainnya الله المستعانوالله أعلم🔻🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻🔻https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4339https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4340https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4341https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4342https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4343https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4344https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4345https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4347

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Fitnah sudah lama membuat menderita muslimin diantaranya yang sangat ganas adalah seluruh madrosah jahiliyah tanpa t...