Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023


February 4, 2023

Including the firqah Murji'ah is the firqah that appears in this era. This firqah spreads widely due to the camouflage of those who hide behind salafi and sunnah clothes. They deceive people that they are above the manhaj of the salaf in the chapters of iman and other chapters of aqidah. They say that iman is speech, deed and belief, increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience. But in essence they exclude the practice of the limbs from the essence of iman by saying that the practice of the limbs is a perfect condition for iman, not a pillar or part of iman. So that for those who leave the practice of limbs entirely do not become disbelievers and do not leave the faith. People who don't sholat, don't give zakat, don't fast and don't go on haji, but only say the two sentences of syahadah, according to them, this person is a believer with a lack of iman.

Shaykh Al Fauzan hafidzahullah said in his ta'liq of the book Nuniyah Ibnul Qayyim: There are 4 groups of Murji'ah;

– The first group is the ghulat Murji'ah. They are Jahmiyah who say that iman is enough with knowledge.

- The second group is Al 'Asya'irah. They are a group who say that iman is only justification by heart even if someone does not say it verbally. Iman is enough with just ma'rifat.

– The third group is Al Karramiyah who said that iman is spoken verbally even though someone does not believe it with his heart.

- The fourth group is the Murji'ah fuqaha' which says that faith is verbal speech and belief with the heart, while the practices of the limbs are not included in the essence of iman.

And there is the fifth group, it appears later. They are those who say that the practice of the limbs is a perfect condition for the completeness of iman which is obligatory or mustahab. -finished.

He made the fifth firqah among the Murji'ah firqah.

The founder of this fifth firqah is Muhammad bin Nuh Najati who is popularly known as Shaykh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani. It was he who made the foundations of irja' for those who came after him. Then from him people took this school. About this Shaykh Al 'Allamah Al Fauzan said in a question asked to him in the month of Dzulqa'dah last year.

He was asked; We have a question O Shaykh, may Allah protect you. A recording of you spread on Youtube that you said about Albani that he had irja'.

Shaykh replied; Yes, it's not just that he has irja', but his madhab are irja' and irja' spread because of him. -finished.

Among the most prominent dai irja' in this era are;

– Ali Hasan Al Halabi whose writings have been rehearsed by ulama of Lajnah Da'imah because they contain an invitation to irja'.

– Including dai irja' in this era Rabe' bin Hadi Al Madkhali, Yasir Burhami Al Mishri, Ahmad Farid, Thal'at Az-Zahran, Khalid Abdurrahman, Adil As-Sayyid, Abdul Aziz Ar-Rayyis, Sulthan Al Umairi, Abdul Malik Ramadhani, Ibrahim Ar-Ruhaili, Ra'id Al Iraqi, and Ahmad Bazmul and many others.

Translated by : Abu Maryam
Source : https://tauhidfirst.net/mengenal-kelompok-neo-murjiah/


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Fitnah sudah lama membuat menderita muslimin diantaranya yang sangat ganas adalah seluruh madrosah jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali dan seluruh pendidikan jahiliyah walaupun diberi embel-embel "sekolah umum,sekolah formal,Taman Kanak-kanak (TK),Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP),Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Universitas, Sekolah Rakyat (SR),Taman Siswa,Taman Siswi,dan lain-lain" tanpa terkecuali sudahkah kalian benar-benar berusaha mati-matian atau bisa dibilang berusaha maksimal ber amar makruf nahi mungkar ber dawkah terkait madrosah jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali pendidikan jahiliyah tanpa terkecuali walaupun diberi embel-embel "sekolah umum,sekolah formal,taman kanak-kanak (TK),Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP),Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Universitas, Sekolah Rakyat (SR),Taman Siswa,Taman Siswi,dan lain-lain" ?Kalau kalian tidak menjalankan amar makruf nahi mungkar dakwah terhadap madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah lalu kenapa?Kalian meremehkan keburukan ini?Kalian cinta sama madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah yang di murkai dan dibenci oleh ALLAH hanya karena kalian belajar ilmu yang menentang Islam di sana?Kalian takut sama penguasa tapi tidak takut kepada ALLAH saja?Kalian takut sama orang tua kalian tapi tidak takut kepada ALLAH saja?Kalian takut sama makhluk yang pasti diciptakan oleh ALLAH tapi tidak takut sama ALLAH saja?Kalian berada di atas jalannya ulama su'u termasuk ulama su'u ummah dan ulama su'u daulah ?Takutlah kepada ALLAH saja dan ber amar makruf nahi mungkar lah dengan ilmu dan ber dakwah lah dengan ilmu Islam terhadap madrosah jahiliyah dan pendidikan jahiliyah pastinya dengan tidak meninggalkan Jihad Fisabilillah Ber takwa dan ber tawakal lah kepada ALLAH saja dan kufuri lah thoghut dan beriman lah kepada ALLAHالله المستعان والله أعلم 18 Romadhon 1445 Hijriyahhttps://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4914===بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تقييم الشيخ المحدث مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله للمدارس الجاهلية والتعليم الجاهليةPenilaian Asy-Syaikh Al-Muhaddits Abu Abdurrohman Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i رحمه الله terhadap madrasah (sekolah) jahiliyah sekaligus pendidikan jahiliyah 🔻🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻🔻https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4544https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4545https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4546https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4547===بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمPerkataan dari Asy-Syaikh Abu Abdurrohman Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i رحمه الله dan Ustadz Abul Mundzir Jafar Shalih وفقه الله dan Ustadz Aunur Rofiq bin Ghufron وفقه الله dan Ustadz Yulian Purnama وفقه الله dan Ustadz Hafzan El Hadi وفقه الله ini juga membahas beberapa مدرسة (sekolah) jahiliyah pendidikan jahiliyah dan lainnya الله المستعانوالله أعلم🔻🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻⬇️⬇️🔻🔻🔻https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4339https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4340https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4341https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4342https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4343https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4344https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4345https://t.me/Manhaj_Muwahhid/4347

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Fitnah sudah lama membuat menderita muslimin diantaranya yang sangat ganas adalah seluruh madrosah jahiliyah tanpa t...